There are:
- display:none;
- display:block;
- display:inline;
- display:inline-block;
- display:flex;
- display:grid;
Display:none; the element is ignored by the browser.
Display: block; creates an element like a box and is standard for all HTML-Elements. It also starts a new line and takes up the entire width. Has also properties such as: margin, border, padding, height and width.
Display: inline; This element is standard for span, img, a, b, etc. Unlike display:block; this element doesn't start a new line and reacts like plain text. It has no width and height, instead it takes the height and width of the contact.
Display: inline-block; It displays an Element as an inline element, but has properties like a block element. So basically it doesn't start a new line but it has widht and height, if they're specified.